James Alexander Naylor Private Counselling Practice
Est. 2019
‘James was very understanding and caring’
‘James was very supportive… genuinely caring… very good listener’
‘James was very professional, patient and trustworthy… changed my life for the better’
‘James is professional, accommodating and flexible… invested therapeutically’
‘I found [James] him intelligent, knowledgeable… personable aspect made it immediately comfortable’
‘James made me feel valid and considered… open and safe to discuss things’

Are you feeling overwhelmed, tired or lacking energy?
Feeling depressed or anxious? Misusing substances or have problems with addiction?
Are you experiencing difficult life challenges? Or suffering with grief or trauma?
Do you feel stuck in the past and unable to move forward? Or unable to tolerate uncertainty, fear the unknown and dread the future?
Are you feeling alone, even in relationships? Do you feel lost, abandoned or disconnected?

About Therapy
Everybody entering a therapy relationship will each have their own unique and individual experience, with some able to accept and respond to issues or stressors easier than others (this is ‘normal’ and OK!). As a counsellor in private practice I do not set a limited amount of sessions, though some may prefer this, and I too may agree a frequency and duration.
Whilst client and therapist may utilise core principles or approaches and ideas of many theoretical orientation within the session, more importantly is the relationship between both parties, enabling a less directive yet still, focused session. Likely, material may unfold which requires prompt attention and addressing, possibly extending the course of treatment further. I am open to and have capacity for working on a short-term and long-term basis, maintaining a mutually agreed focus toward an expected safe therapeutic ending.
I understand individuals may have clear goals in which it is preferred one may wish to attain through treatment. Although, quite often it can be difficult to pinpoint a desirable outcome upon beginning therapy when experiencing a muddled view of a current distress, relationship or stressful situation, which one is less at ease with or, can see no way out (a spaghetti junction comes to mind!).
My belief is that it is the process of relating, exploring, and feeling or coming into contact with oneself which through collaborative relational dialogue opens up avenues otherwise left hidden, buried or untouched; a spiritual attempt toward awakening. Whilst this may sound exposing and frightening (it is!), attempting to come into touch with our, to reference the Winnicottian concept ‘True Selves’ can enable new insight and room for opportunity to move onwards, thus resulting in a breaking free from our ‘False Selves’; pleasing others or being what others want you to be, ridding oneself of old/current habits, or putting a stop to repeating unhelpful behaviours or unhealthy relationships, making room for the ‘Real You!’. This, enabling you to maximise your opportunities and growth.
What I offer
Face to Face Therapy
My therapy office is located in Cornwall at 10 Turf Street Bodmin PL31 2DH
Telephone Therapy
I will call to your phone number.
Online Therapy
Zoom, FaceTime, WhatsApp
Please make sure that you have an adequate privacy in your location (for example, no children overhearing) and your internet connectivity is stable.
Please note: some clinical presentations mean face-to-face work would be preferable. For example, complex trauma or psychosis have better outcomes in face-to-face therapy
I Can Help You
Hi, my name is James Alexander Naylor and I hold Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling.
Almost a third of my life has been spent gaining experience and knowledge into the unique workings of human psychology and motivation; what makes us work or not work?! And, how to offer care and support for those who desire it.
I have been fortunate enough to discover, work and explore many areas of interest within the field of health and social care, including; autism and learning disabilities/difficulties, general physical health conditions and illness as well as end of life stage care in NHS community hospital inpatient and community-based home intervention care.
Building upon this experience, I have developed my skills and awareness and knowledge within severe and enduring, chronic and acute mental health inpatient care, as well as primary care treatment working with common mental health conditions, drug and alcohol misuse, and self-harm and injury and suicide, as well as areas of social deprivation as in homelessness, domestic violence and abuse, sex working and sexual exploitation. Inevitably my areas of work have enabled my working practise to identify and manage risk safely among services, keeping strict confidential records and methods for reporting, engaging in the safeguarding of children, vulnerable adults and all individuals whom I come into contact with.
My roles within this field has enabled me to support children, adolescents and adults requiring various levels of support, guidance or treatment, within a multitude of settings; community or residential care, general inpatient and psychiatric inpatient wards, police custody and court cells, drug and alcohol clinics and specialist mental health units; eating disorder units and mother and baby units.
Within my work I communicate closely with many professionals, of various clinical teams, such as nursing, psychiatry and psychology, community crisis and forensic psychiatric teams, approved mental health professionals and deprivation of liberty safeguards teams, local child and adult safeguarding teams, academia, psychotherapy and counselling teams, police and prison service, drug and alcohol teams and other private/voluntary or charities/Community Interest Companies, I come into contact with.
CALL NOW on 07521382873
Level 5 Diploma Working Therapeutically with Children and Young People
Level 4 Diploma in Counselling Practice
Level 4 Certificate in Approaches to working with Trauma
Level 4 Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Theory
Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Applied Psychology
Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies – Person Centred Counselling.
Level 3 National Vocational Qualification in Health and Social Care
Level 2 National Vocational Qualification in Health and Social Care
Aset Diploma in Criminology.
What My Clients Say (Only You Can Decide)
What You Will Gain
- Happier, healthier and fulfilled quality of life
- Develop your self-compassion, increase your resilience and self-confidence
- Be accepted for who you are, supported, listened to and taken seriously
- Feel connected with yourself, others and the world
- Overcome your life challenges and improve your decision making
FREE Initial Appointment CALL 07521382873
I offer a FREE counselling session
Simply call. Your call is important to me and if no answer please leave a discrete message, I will call you back promptly to schedule your free session. There is no obligation to use my service after our initial meeting.

James Alexander Naylor Private Counselling Practice
- 07521382873
- [email protected]
- 10 Turf Street Bodmin PL31 2DH
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